Human Resource Management

After reading this article, you will be able to define the term, Human Resource Management, state the components, qualities, policies of the human resource management or manager and the contents of personnel policies.

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Human Resource Management can be defined as the process of recruitment and selecting an employee, providing orientation and training and development assessment of employee, providing compensation and benefits, motivation, maintaining proper relations with an employee and with trade unions, maintaining employees safety, welfare and health measures in compliance with labour law of the land.

Human Resource Management is the function of the organization that focuses on recruitment of management and providing direction for the people within an organization.

According to French 1998, Human Resources Management simply means the philosophy, policy, procedures and practice related to management of people working in an organization towards achieving set goals and objectives.


There is a certain component that gives meaning to human resources management in an organization. Going by the French definition we have.

  • HUMAN RESOURCES PHILOSOPHY: This simply means the intention and belief to treat a human in the production process, not as an instructor as a useful resource that could be used to achieve goals and objectives. Therefore, there is need to create a conducive environment for the supply of the resources.
  • HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY: These serve to guide the action required to achieve human resource objective. The human resource policy is informed by human stipulated what is to be done while human resource policy state how it is to be done.
  • HUMAN RESOURCE PROCEDURE: These are steps to implement policies by prescribing the chronological sequence or steps to follow in carrying out the policies i.e procedures or process can be defined as means to an end.
  • HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICE: These are the act of implementing the policies and procedure towards achieving human resource objective or philosophy.
  • HUMAN RESOURCE PEOPLE: These are the Centre of attraction in human resource. The people simply referred to as the workforce or the employees within an organization that put in their efforts towards achieving of set goals and objectives of such organization.
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  • EDUCATION AND TRAINING: To be appointed as a personnel officer, supervision or manager the office need to academic and professional qualification.
  • INITIATIVE AND IMAGINATION: He or she must possess the capacity for tackling new problem also he or she must be intelligent think clearly, tactful and diplomatic in handling people and situation.
  • PERSONALITY AND EQUITABLE TEMPERAMENT: He must be charismatic and possess empathy for others. He should have the maturity and ability to manage issues and suppress personal anger.
  • CAPACITY FOR LEADERSHIP: Ability to convince, persuade and encourage others when faced with prejudice and opposition.
  • SENSE OF JUSTICE AND FAIR PLAY: He should possess enviable character high integrity sense of justice and fair play to all concerned within the organization.
  • SENSE OF HUMOUR: Human Resources Manager must wear cheerful disposition and appearance in order to gain the respect of management and employee.
  • SELF CONFIDENCE: You must have believed in yourself and ability to deliver at all time. He or she should not be intimidated by any of the employees through their action or inactions.
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A policy is a guide for making administration decision. It is an established way of doing business and directing actions in specific areas of management.

Therefore, personnel policy is an official direction in which the enterprises are moving and hope to deal with its employees in relation to lay down decision of top management. Also, personnel policy is a written statement of organization goals and intentions concerning matters that affect people in the organization.


The content of a personnel policy may vary from one organization to another. However, most personnel policies contain the following

  • The grading of posts and the basics of remuneration of employees. This policy is applicable to the value placed in different jobs.
  • The types of training to be provided for the employees
  • The criteria to be used for promotion within the organization e.g Punctuality etc.
  • The criteria to be used for the recruitment and selection of personnel.
  • The types of conduct that are prohibited and the penalties for their commotion.
  • The method to be used in handling employee grievance and how to resolve industrial conflicts.
  • The welfare facilities and fringe benefit to be provided to workers.
  • The basis for declaring an employee redundancy( poor performance, low level of out, reorganization).
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