
Indifferentiekromme - Definitie, schema & eigenschappen

The Indifference Curve Analysis approach was first introduced by Slutsky, a Russian Economist in 1915. Later it was developed by…

Consumentengedrag - Theorie van het consumentengedrag

Theory of Consumer Behaviour assumes that you can only order or arrange your preference in order of priority, you cannot…

Wet van afnemend marginaal nut

Generally, the more of a particular commodity human being possesses the less the intensity for more. Hence man’s subsequent unit,…

Elasticiteit van de vraag - Soorten elasticiteiten

Elasticity concepts generally deal with the response(s) of demand or supply to its determinant; in the course of our discussion…

Vraag en aanbod | Prijstheorie

The concept of price theory came into being as a concept of valuation, i.e. the medium through which values are…

Economisch basisprobleem

Scarcity | Choice | Opportunity Cost Three big questions summarise the scope of economics- How do choices end up determining…

Monetair beleid - Doelstellingen van monetair beleid

Monetary Policy Monetary policy refers to the combination of measures designed to control the supply of money and credits conditions…