Business Maths

Fragen zur Koordinatengeometrie

What is Co-ordinate Geometry? Co-ordinate geometry is a branch of geometry where the position of the points on the plane…

Fragen zur linearen Programmierung

Linear Programming is a mathematical method used to allocate scarce resources. It is a technique used to optimize the value…

Fragen zur Permutation und Kombination

What is Permutation? A Permutation is the arrangement of "n-distinct" objects taken "r" at a time without regard given to…

Fragen zur Mengenlehre

SET THEORY - What is a Set? Set is the collection of well-defined objects or things. It can also be…

Fragen zur Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung - Wirtschaftsmathematik

Types of Probability Probability can be seen in two ways. Empirical Probability and Theoretical Probability. Subscribe to our YouTube channel…

Fragen zur Integration und Vektoralgebra

Integration is another aspect of calculus. It is sometimes called anti-differentiation because it is the reverse of differentiation. You can…

22 Fragen zur Differenzierung

Differentiation from First Principles Differentiate the function; y = x Differentiate the function; y = x2 Find the derivative of …