
2 Fragen zu den Hauptbucheinträgen +Videoanleitung

Question 1 on Ledger Entries Open the necessary ledger accounts to record the transaction below, balance it off and extract…

Hauptbuchkonten und Summenbilanz +Videoanleitung

Ledger Accounts and Trial Balance. In this article, Ledger Accounts, you are going to learn the definition of the term…

Rechnungslegung von Joint Ventures (AOC mit Videozusammenfassung)

Joint Venture Accounting AOC This summary gives a clear definition and meaning to Joint Ventures Accounting, differentiating between Joint Ventures…

Portokassenbuch: Analytisches & Imperest System (+Video)

Petty Cash Book (AOC) This article covers the terminologies in The Petty Cash Book System of Accounting, The Definition of…

Nutzer von Rechnungslegungsinformationen

Different people involved in one business or the other will be interested in the accounting information of such business organizations.…

Konzepte und Konventionen der Rechnungslegung

Accounting Concepts And Convention Accounting concepts are broad working rules adopted by the accounting profession as guides for recording and…

Einnahmen-Ausgaben & Investitionsausgaben

First of all, you can recollect from your daily activities that you incur expenditure on various items every day. You…