
#1-10 Fragen und Antworten zur Finanzbuchhaltung

Revisionsfragen und Antworten zum Wirtschaftsrecht (CBT)

Auftragskostenrechnung: Prüfungsleitfaden und Format zur Auftragskalkulation

Job Costing Overview: Introduction Whats is Job Costing? It is a form of specific order costing in which costs are…

Definition der Kostenrechnung - Einführung in die Kostenrechnung

Cost Accounting can be defined as a system put in place by the management to generate the amount incurred in…

EOQ - Definition und Annahmen der wirtschaftlichen Bestellmenge

What is Economics Order Quantity (EOQ)? This is the re-order quantity where the total relevant cost of inventory is minimized.…

Reflexion und Brechung von Licht - Physik

REFLECTION DES LICHTS Licht ist eine Energieform, die die Empfindung des Sehens hervorruft. Es gibt natürliches und künstliches...

Fragen zur Koordinatengeometrie

What is Co-ordinate Geometry? Co-ordinate geometry is a branch of geometry where the position of the points on the plane…

Entrepreneur - Praxis des Unternehmertums (Zusammenfassung)

Who is an Entrepreneur? An entrepreneur is a person who makes money by starting or running a business(es), especially when…

Indifferenzkurve - Definition, Zeitplan und Eigenschaften

The Indifference Curve Analysis approach was first introduced by Slutsky, a Russian Economist in 1915. Later it was developed by…

Buchführung, Rechnungswesen und das Prinzip der doppelten Buchführung

Principles of Bookkeeping And Accounting. Thousands of years ago, there were no standard permanent records of business transactions, but with…

Suspense-Konten, Fehler und ihre Korrekturen

Suspense Accounts, Errors, and its Corrections In this article, you are going to learn all that it entails in preparing…

Zweige der Buchhaltung - 8 Arten der Buchhaltung

Accounting can be classified in various ways. This includes Accounting as an information system, Accounting as a Profession, Public Accounting,…