Karl Izuoba

Hauptbuchkonten und Summenbilanz +Videoanleitung

Ledger Accounts and Trial Balance. In this article, Ledger Accounts, you are going to learn the definition of the term…

Aufsatz- und Briefschreibprüfungstipps

Essay and Letter writing, Comprehension and Summary attract greater marks in English Language Examinations than any other parts of the…

AOC - Management des Humankapitals

AREA OF CONCENTRATION (AOC) ON HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (HCM) Be able to differentiate between each of them with a concrete and…

Frage zu Grenzplankosten- und Absorptionskalkulationstechniken

 Questions on Marginal Costing Techniques Your name Nig. Ltd presents you with the following data about its operations for the…

Rechnungslegung von Joint Ventures (AOC mit Videozusammenfassung)

Joint Venture Accounting AOC This summary gives a clear definition and meaning to Joint Ventures Accounting, differentiating between Joint Ventures…

Portokassenbuch: Analytisches & Imperest System (+Video)

Petty Cash Book (AOC) This article covers the terminologies in The Petty Cash Book System of Accounting, The Definition of…


Was ist Elektrostatik? Elektrostatik ist die Lehre von der elektrischen Ladung, die sich nicht bewegt, d. h. sie...

10 Fragen zum Verbraucherverhalten (Wirtschaft)

"Section A" Questions on Consumers Behaviour 1. If the price of commodity Y decreases, all other things remaining constant the…

Wie man einen Finanzplan erstellt

Cash Budget Before attempting any question on Cash Budget, make sure you read through the question in order to stick…

Fragen zur Budgetierung (Kostenrechnung)

Budgeting Question 1 CharllyCARES Nig Ltd sells one product, in the year 2010, his budget income statement shows the following:…

Break-Even-Analyse-Formeln +Videoanleitung

This article will help you with a clear definition and meaning to Break-even Analysis, how the formulas are derived and…

Management der Humanressourcen

After reading this article, you will be able to define the term, Human Resource Management, state the components, qualities, policies…