Business Law Revision Questions and Answers on Business Law (CBT) 5 years ago [WATU 2] Vitiating Factors – 5 Major Vitiating Factors 7 years ago Vitiating Factors are statements that drastically destroy or reduce the effectiveness of something or an agreement or contract which causes… Law of Partnership – The Partnership Law 7 years ago In law, a partnership is not a charitable organization or a social club. The partnership is therefore expected to make… Law Case Study – How To Answer Case Studies in Law 8 years ago One of the major challenges students have in business law and other law courses are answering questions under the case… AGENCY – Law of Agency (Business Law) 8 years ago An agent is a person who is employed for the purpose of bringing his principal into a CONTRACTUAL relation with… Law of Contract 8 years ago A Contract Law is a formal or legally binding agreement. Though not every agreement is a contract, or is legally…