Blog Cash Flow Quadrant – Financial Freedom 7 years ago "I WANT FINANCIAL FREEDOM!..." Every individual in this world falls on either side of this quadrant which I call the… Success Guide – Six Rules To Success 7 years ago This Six Rules To Success will transform your life positively and your perception of life will change entirely. People ask… Personal Development Training 7 years ago One of the common things we say to ourselves always, especially at the beginning of a new year, or a… English Language Exam Summary 8 years ago What is a Sentence? A sentence can be defined as a group of words that expresses a complete thought which… Law Case Study – How To Answer Case Studies in Law 8 years ago One of the major challenges students have in business law and other law courses are answering questions under the case… AGENCY – Law of Agency (Business Law) 8 years ago An agent is a person who is employed for the purpose of bringing his principal into a CONTRACTUAL relation with… Law of Contract 8 years ago A Contract Law is a formal or legally binding agreement. Though not every agreement is a contract, or is legally… How to Generate Business Ideas 8 years ago Generating, identifying and evaluating opportunities are the key factors for every business/enterprise. Businesses we see today, are a result of… « Previous