
Is Management An Art or Science?

Is Management an Art or Science? Students always ask this question, Is management an Art or Science? In this article,…

Definition Of Management

Definition of Management What you'll learn. Definition of management Meaning of management by different authors, and different basis for their…

Consumer Behaviour – Theory of Consumer Behaviour

Theory of Consumer Behaviour assumes that you can only order or arrange your preference in order of priority, you cannot…

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

Generally, the more of a particular commodity human being possesses the less the intensity for more. Hence man’s subsequent unit,…

Elasticity Of Demand – Types of Elasticities

Elasticity concepts generally deal with the response(s) of demand or supply to its determinant; in the course of our discussion…

Supply And Demand | Price Theory

The concept of price theory came into being as a concept of valuation, i.e. the medium through which values are…

Basic Economic Problem

Scarcity | Choice | Opportunity Cost Three big questions summarise the scope of economics- How do choices end up determining…

Monetary Policy – Objectives of Monetary Policy

Monetary Policy Monetary policy refers to the combination of measures designed to control the supply of money and credits conditions…

Inventory Control Formulas and Terms +Video Guide

In this summary on Inventory Control, I will briefly explain the terminologies being used in this topic and also state…

Users of Accounting Information

Different people involved in one business or the other will be interested in the accounting information of such business organizations.…

Accounting Concepts And Convention

Accounting Concepts And Convention Accounting concepts are broad working rules adopted by the accounting profession as guides for recording and…

Revenue Expenditure & Capital Expenditure

First of all, you can recollect from your daily activities that you incur expenditure on various items every day. You…